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خدماتنا القانونية \ محامي في تركيا \

خدمة الدعاوى

تدقيق العقود

استشارات الشركات

تحصيل الديون

التحكيم والوساطة

الكشف على العقار

إدارة الأملاك

الجنسية التركية

تصاريح الإقامة والعمل

نقل ملكية العقارات

المنظمات والجمعيات

 احصل على استشارتك من محامي في تركيا

هل تواجه تحديات قانونية؟ دعنا نناقشهم معًا. حدد موعد استشارتك اليوم.



Zatari and Afyonlu Law Firm offers a wide range of legal services, including litigation, contract auditing and review, corporate consulting, debt collection, commercial arbitration and mediation, property disclosure and transfer, property management, Turkish nationality assistance, and residence and work permits.

Zatari and Afyonlu Law Firm provides fast, easy, and thoughtful litigation services, representing clients before all types of courts and in various legal proceedings. Their lawyers work diligently to follow up and terminate all lawsuits, as well as to represent clients in official departments, institutions, and other legal matters.
Yes, Zatari and Afyonlu Law Firm offers comprehensive property management services, including supervising the transfer of property ownership, property disclosure, and providing guidance on related contracts. They also handle property tax payments, construction service fees, utility bills, and liaising with complex management on all real estate matters.
Zatari and Afyonlu Law Firm provides assistance in acquiring Turkish citizenship through various methods, such as bank investment, real estate investment, marriage, employment establishment, and Turkish origin. Their team prepares the necessary applications, files, and documents, and guides applicants throughout the entire process.
Zatari and Afyonlu Law Firm helps clients obtain various types of residence permits, including short-term tourist stay, long-term tourist accommodation, real estate residency, family residency, and job residency. Their team communicates with the Turkish Immigration Department, prepares the residency file, and provides guidance throughout the process.


Criminal defense
Family disputes
Broker fraud
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Intellectual property
Criminal defense
Family disputes
Broker fraud
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Intellectual property
Criminal defense
Family disputes
Broker fraud
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
Intellectual property

المحامون لدينا

يتعامل فريق المحامين المتمرسين لدينا مع التحديات القانونية المعقدة من خلال نهج يركز على العميل ، مما يضمن حلولًا مخصصة وفعالة باشراف المحاميان فهد الزعتري وهشام الأفيوني
مع عقود من الخبرة في المجال القانوني ، فإن مكتبنا للمحاماة مكرس لتقديم استشارات قانونية استثنائية وتحقيق نتائج بارزة.


سنة خبرة
خدمة الدعاوى
تحصيل الديون
تصاريح الإقامة والعمل
إدارة الأملاك
عملاء موَثّقُون
الحالات الناجحة
التكريم والجوائز

أحدث المنشورات

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